Pricing: How does Delivery+ calculate the charges for my order?

A walk through and description of how things are charged in Delivery+

Delivery+ pricing consists of two main components: distance-based pricing and time-based pricing. Here's an explanation of how the pricing works:

Distance-based pricing: The base rate quoted when you enter the pick-up and drop-off locations is based on our Pickupp Express 4-hour pricing, which is determined by the distance between the locations. Please note that the pricing may also include a remote area surcharge if applicable. Additionally, if the order requires the agent or freelancer to transport equipment to a specified location, the price may be adjusted based on the weight and dimensions of the items chosen.

Time-based pricing: Currently, the time-based component is not directly reflected in the system. However, after entering your requirements and estimating the time required to complete the job, we strongly encourage you to go to the "add acceptance tip" section and include an appropriate amount. This allows you to adjust the offer rate to attract delivery agents. For example, if you need the freelancer to spend approximately 1 hour setting up a tent at the drop-off location, and you generally offer HK$50 per hour for this task, you can gradually increase the acceptance tip amount up to HK$50. This revised offer rate will make your order more appealing to delivery agents.

By combining the distance-based pricing and the customized time-based acceptance tip, you can ensure fair compensation for the delivery agents and increase the chances of your order being accepted in Delivery+.

Last updated